Saturday, October 13, 2007


What is a role model?a role model is a individual you look at in a career you want to follow.But as people we can interprete it in various ways,for example, someone can say "a role is everything good,but did you know that thugs are also role models,but before choosing a role model be sure about what you want in life.

Someone may ask him or herself how to go about choosing a role model. Before choosing a role model take time and ask yourself what you want.If I may give you an example,one of our well known celebrities were on media for bad conducts,for example,Zola 7,was on the media for abusing his girlfriend (mother of his child) and on the other side he is helping people to achieve their goals in three days.

So the big question is after hearing all these about your role model,"are you going stick with your role model or forget about him or her or you understand that he or she a human being. When choosing a role model you MUST expect both the good and the bad, on the other hand its up to you what YOU need.Brothers and sisters be what GOD sent you to be(original) and don't let anybody live your for you,be independent.The ball is in your....... (fill the missing word).

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